Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Code
Stedin Group is voluntarily following the Corporate Governance Code from 2018. An important principle of the Code is long-term value creation. That is the keystone of our business operations and mission. Good corporate governance is an essential prerequisite for this. For Stedin Group, this means that we carry out an efficient and responsible company policy on which we render account to our stakeholders. The Dutch Corporate Governance Code helps us do this in a structured and a, for the outside world, recognisable and comparable manner.

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board (SB) of Stedin Holding N.V. advises the Executive Board (EB) and supervises the policy of the EB and the general course of business in the company and the associated companies. The Supervisory Board consists of Hanne Buis, Annie Krist, Doede Vierstra, Theo Eysink, Arco Groothedde and Marike Bonhof.
The SB of Stedin Holding N.V. has appointed two committees. An Audit Committee that supervises important financial affairs and a Remuneration, Selection and Appointment Committee that advises on the remuneration of the Executive Board members and provides for the selection and appointment of Executive Board members.

Executive Board
The Executive Board (EB) is responsible for the day-to-day management of Stedin Group and holds the final responsibility for the performance of the holding and the group companies.
The Executive Board members are appointed by the Supervisory Board and are accountable to the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM). The Executive Board of Stedin Group consists of the members: Koen Bogers, Trudy Onland and David Peters.
Stedin Group considers a safe working environment and ethical employer and employee practices important. Our standards and values and statutory rules are laid down in the code of conduct. This describes how we deal with each other and with external parties such as customers, shareholders, regulators and other relations of Stedin Group. The code of conduct covers a number of guidelines on specific subjects, such as the whistleblower policy.
Risk governance
When developing and implementing Stedin Group's strategy, the Executive Board pays a great deal of attention to the risks and opportunities associated with this. The Executive Board is ultimately responsible for the implementation of risk management, together with the management of the various business units.

Company secretariat
You can contact the company secretariat at
Director Corporate Affairs
Elise Reedeker